
The infrastructure is critical.
The threats are sophisticated.

Together we provide better solutions.


Collective IT security is crucial for higher education institutions in Canada due to the increasing threats posed by cybercriminals. With more data and information being stored and shared digitally, higher education institutions have become targets for cyber attacks aimed at stealing sensitive information, disrupting operations, and exploiting vulnerabilities in the IT infrastructure.

There are several reasons why collective IT security is important for higher education in Canada:

  • Higher education institutions in Canada store a significant amount of sensitive information, including personal data of students, faculty, and staff. Cyber criminals target this data, which can lead to identify theft, financial fraud, and other security breaches. Collective IT security measures such as the cybersecurity benchmarking project, the cybersecurity standing committee, and participation in national initiatives bring faster and more comprehensive responses to potential threats.

  • Cyber attacks can disrupt the operations of Canada’s higher education institutions, causing downtime and lost productivity. This can affect not only the institution but also its students and staff who rely on technology for their day-to-day activities. Collective cyber security measures help minimize the risk of downtime and ensure that operations continue even in the event of an attack.

  • Higher education institutions in Canada must comply with various regulations and laws related to data privacy and security, such as Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and the Freedom on Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Failure to comply can result in penalties and legal liabilities. Collective cybersecurity measures can help ensure compliance with these regulations and reduce risk of legal issues.

  • Cyber attacks can damage the reputation of higher education institutions, affecting their ability to attract and retain students and faculty. A successful attack can lead to negative publicity and loss of trust. Collective IT security measures can help maintain the institution's reputation by minimizing the risk of security breaches and demonstrating a commitment to protecting sensitive data.

current initiatives.

Cyber security benchmarking Service

The service began in 2018 with 40 universities. By 2023 the service had grown to include 175 colleges, universities and research organizations. To date the benchmarking service has focused on two broad areas of interest: best practices for protecting people and for protecting systems. In recent years the benchmarking service has also expanded to provide a continuous monitoring security feed for each participating organization and a third party assessment feature.

Cyber security standing committee

CUCCIO brings leaders from across the nation together to provide rich, important, and context heavy discussions of ongoing security threats facing our organizations.

The latest in Cybersecurity.